-20% Accessories and complements Coat rack Abete F1 F1-A904 €75.74 €94.67 Spruce coat rack perfect for shops, commercial activities in general, reception, doctors' offices and professional stuccoes.Also ideal for libraries and offices. Add to cart
-20% Accessories and complements Coat Rack Corbezzolo F1 F1-A934 €61.20 €76.49 Strawberry tree coat rack ideal in offices, shops, medical and professional offices, waiting rooms and reception. Add to cart
-20% Accessories and complements Coat hanger Eucalipto F1 F1-A954 €63.44 €79.30 Eucalyptus coat rack ideal in shops, offices, waiting rooms, reception and medical and professional offices. Add to cart
-20% Accessories and complements Coat hanger Ligustrum F1 F1-A941 €74.66 €93.33 Ligustrum coat rack perfect for offices, shops, waiting rooms, reception, professional offices and medical practices. Add to cart
-20% Accessories and complements Coat hanger Tamerice F1 F1-A908 €44.90 €56.12 The Tamerice coat rack is the perfect furnishing solution for offices, schools, waiting rooms, reception areas, medical and professional offices. This modern coat rack can also be used and mounted in your own home. Add to cart
-25% Accessories and complements Separator element Ciliegio F1 F1-A931 €302.87 €403.82 The Ciliegio separator is the perfect piece of furniture for waiting rooms, receptions, offices, professional and medical offices. The element is also an excellent furnishing solution for the changing room of a gym, a swimming pool, a sports centre or a wellness or spa centre. Add to cart
Coat Rack Hangers Gruaro F9 F9-Gruaro €390.40 Gruaro coat rack with polyethylene structure colour: white; green; anthracite; purple; yellow or red. Four polypropylene leaves included (Accessory Ceggia). The accessory Fosso (little bird) is not included and can be purchased separately. Add to cart
-15% Coat Rack Salzano coat rack illuminated F9 F9-Salzano €440.73 €518.50 Are you looking for a coat rack with light to make your entrance unique and inimitable? Add to cart