Set up a small relaxation area in the office

In every office that can be defined as such, whether small, medium or large, there must be a relaxation area in which employees can take a few minutes off during the working day, sipping a good cup of coffee and chatting with colleagues.

A small break helps to recharge your energy; taking a few minutes off is essential to regain concentration and be more productive. In the following paragraphs we will give you some hints and tips on how to set up a small relaxation area in your office.

Before entering into the subject, we would like to point out that it is not necessary to be equipped with particularly important dimensions to create a small relaxation area; even offices with particularly limited dimensions can afford a small relaxation area and offer their employees this comfort.

The three fundamental rules for creating a relaxation area inside your office

Regardless of the choice of office furniture and other purely technical aspects, for the creation of a relaxation area within the spaces of your office, you will have to consider with the utmost attention three aspects of fundamental importance.

First of all, you will have to find a corner of your office that is able to guarantee the right privacy to employees who want to enjoy a coffee. This small corner of the office should of course be accessible to everyone. Often the most suitable office area to be used as a relaxation area is the area located near the reception.

In any case, when choosing the area to be used as a relaxation area it will be important to choose a corner characterized by the passage of a few people. Entering into the choice of furniture, for an area equipped with all comforts and able to recharge and give a few minutes of relaxation to your employees, you will have to prepare in this corner not only sofas and poufs but also perfect the right lighting and if possible install a partition wall to ensure the right privacy.

To create a perfect relaxation area, you will need to consider that the key factor will be to ensure the right intimacy to take a short break and get away from the stress of work for five minutes. As far as the choice of partition walls is concerned, you can opt for design materials such as bamboo; the partition wall can simply be placed on the floor, without the need for a proper installation.

When you have finally created a relaxation area able to guarantee maximum comfort to your workers, at this point you will only have to communicate to all the employees of your company, the important novelty that characterizes the spaces of your office.

Often and willingly, it is precisely the small tricks that are able to arouse the enthusiasm of your employees and make them feel satisfied and more involved in their daily work.

Area relax con i pouf in ufficio

Office relaxation area as an important profitable investment

The creation of a relaxation area for the office can now become a real profitable investment for your company. The workplace is in fact the space where people spend most of their time and often and willingly in the contemporary working world the rhythms are particularly frenetic and stressful.

For these reasons every office should be equipped with a small relaxation area in which the employee has the opportunity to take a break and get up from the desk for even just 5 minutes to sip a coffee and have a chat with colleagues.

Until a decade ago, the only relaxation area conceived in a company was the canteen. Today, on the contrary, companies aim to create a small area where staff can regenerate and enjoy a moment of rest even on a mental level. For all these reasons the creation of a small relaxation area must be conceived in the creation of a space that is in fact sheltered from the chaos and confusion that characterises the rest of the company office spaces. The relaxation area must be equipped with comfortable armchairs, poufs and other furnishing elements able to guarantee maximum comfort to the employee.

The philosophy of creating a relaxation area

The philosophy of creating a relaxation area inside the spaces of an office was born a few years ago overseas. The concept of a relaxation area has quickly become a real business strategy even in the old continent. To give an example, today there is an important company that operates in behavioural analysis for companies that want to increase their performance. The CEO of this important company writes in one of his books that "the main driver of staff productivity in companies with complex structures is random interaction; a good organisation of space can contribute a lot to this".

There are many opinions from authoritative professionals and psychologists who agree on the importance of creating a relaxation area within the office of a small, medium and large company.

Another significant example of the importance of creating a relaxation area is the opinion of the well-known psychologist and lecturer at Harvard Business Administration Teresa Amabile: thanks to the studies conducted by the latter, with the valuable collaboration of her colleague Steven J. Kramer, the two professionals concluded their research with the statement "inner work life", a phrase they coined to indicate the psychological experience of people at work, closely related to their performance.

The professionals' statement is that "the more pleasant and engaging the surrounding environment is, the more the worker's creativity will be stimulated. Open spaces in particular greatly encourage the exchange of ideas and interaction between employees".

The studies carried out and the authoritative opinions of the professionals cited incontrovertibly demonstrate how the creation of a relaxation area within the spaces of an office is able to bring important benefits to the work environment, the staff and their performance.

Furnishing an office from a productive point of view

In order to furnish an office from a productive point of view, therefore, it will not be possible to miss the presence of a relaxation area, although limited in size, but equipped with all the comforts able to give employees a few minutes of leisure and relaxation.

We could define the relaxation area in a company office as a real space for rest and intellectual recharging. Suffice it to say that the large corporate giants were among the first to adopt these strategic solutions, employing considerable resources to create recreational spaces that are particularly well cared for, involving and able to express maximum comfort and relaxation.

Our proposal of furniture for relaxation areas is the most reliable partner to rely on for the purchase of furniture for the creation of a relaxation area within your company spaces. Our commercial proposal is able to express itself in a wide range of armchairs, seats and poufs perfect for the setting up of this type of environment.

Among the many products available in our catalogue, we suggest the eccentric and modern Birba armchair, born from the idea of a zip that runs along the entire covering.

And again, our company offers you the very modern Niardo poufs for the furnishing of a relaxation area, with removable high quality eco-leather cover in purple, silver, white, blue, lilac, red, green and dove grey.

Continuing the examination of our catalogue you will discover the characteristics and design of many armchairs and seats suitable for the furnishing of an office relax area.

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