Separate waste collection bins: where to throw your rubbish

Separate waste collection is a fundamental duty of every citizen and a commitment that many Italian cities have successfully embraced. Proper waste management has led to high levels of recycling, contributing significantly to improved environmental conditions.

However, many people remain uncertain about the colour of the recycling bin to be used to dispose of a particular type of material. There are different categories of waste that require specific containers, bins and buckets for recycling. This guide will help you understand the main rules to follow in order not to make mistakes.

Blue, green, yellow... Which coloured waste bin to use?

1. Blue coloured paper baskets

The colour blue in recycling bins is for clean paper, such as sheets, boxes, magazines, newspapers, bags, rolls and milk or juice packs. However, plastic-coated paper, receipts and thermal papers cannot be disposed of in this bin and should be directed to the mixed waste bin.

2. Green recycling bin for glass

Glass, which is 100% recyclable, goes into the green waste bin after it has been cleaned. You can dispose of bottles, vases, glasses and cans. Exceptions are LED bulbs, neon lights, crystal glasses, Pyrex, ceramic pots or pans, mirrors and TV or computer screens, which should be taken to the recycling bin.

3. Plastic collection bins: yellow

Plastic, which can take over 400 years to decompose, must be sorted carefully. Plastic packaging, including plates and glasses, goes in the yellow recycling bin.

Except for soiled plastic objects, CD/DVD cases, plastic folders, stationery and plastic cutlery should be disposed of in the unsorted waste bin. Polystyrene for food goes in the plastic bin after being cleaned, while polystyrene packaging goes in the unsorted waste bin.

4. Organic waste bins: brown

Organic waste, which includes food leftovers, expired food, tea bags, coffee grounds, flowers, leaves, eggshells, used napkins and tissues, should be collected in compostable bags and placed in the brown bin. The collection of wet waste is important because it is a biodegradable material that produces biogas in landfills. If you have a garden, turning wet waste into compost will provide a valuable resource for your plants.

What to throw in the recycling bins?

The recycling bin collects materials that cannot be recycled, such as soiled and greasy materials, paper cutlery, DVDs, CDs, broken toys, ceramic pots or containers. Some specific waste, such as batteries and medicines, require separate disposal. Wooden materials and some metal objects, such as cans, tins and lids, should also be taken to collection centres.

Recycling bins: customise them with

It is important to remember that the colours of recycling bins can vary depending on the local regulations of the municipality. Therefore, it is essential to check the specific rules in your area to avoid mistakes.

We offer the possibility to customise waste bins according to your needs and local regulations, thus ensuring compliance with your municipality's rules.
Discover our waste bin solutions for the catering, home and office sectors. We have solutions available ranging from modular bins to individual containers.

With you can be sure to always have the right waste bins to facilitate proper waste management.